10 Binge-Worthy Latin American Spanish Netflix Series for Adult Spanish Learners

In this post: Discover the best shows to learn Spanish on Netflix plus the most effective language learning strategies for adults learning Spanish through series.

You're at home, curled up on the couch. As you switch on Netflix, you decide to watch a series in Spanish this time. Soon Spanish dialogue fills the room. Catching a few phrases makes you feel excited.

But then... frustration.

As the conversation picks up, the actors throw out unfamiliar slang that leaves you feeling like you’re missing something.

As someone who became fluent in Spanish as an adult and an avid Spanish-language series lover, I want to reassure you that you are on the right path.

Watching series on Netflix can absolutely boost your listening comprehension, help you tap into authentic Spanish, and pick up expressions you won't find in textbooks. It's also a unique way to stay motivated to learn Spanish.

And when you get swept up in a series, it’s a little bit like going beyond the language and connecting with the history and culture of the series you’re watching and the Spanish-speaking world that’s watching the same shows you are!

In today’s post, I’ll walk you through exactly what you need to do to make sure your experience with your Spanish-language series is inspiring and rewarding.

Ready to add this unique, authentic, fun, and powerful learning tool to your Spanish routine? Grab your popcorn and read on.

While reading this post, consider these questions:

  • Do you already have a habit of watching Netflix series? If so, what kinds of series do you enjoy?

  • Is there a specific Spanish-speaking culture you’d love to get to know better?

  • What’s your level of Spanish? Are you comfortable listening to conversations in Spanish already? Or is listening something you need to work on strategically?

Why learn Spanish with TV Shows?

I can still remember the first time I got pulled into a series in Spanish.

It was in 2013 (one year after moving back to the US from my year of living in Spain). I was working at a Spanish language school in Sacramento, and I remember being enthralled with a new show, "El Tiempo Entre Costuras" ("The Time in Between" in English), a romantic, exhilarating Spanish series based on the book by the same title, which I had read earlier that year.

I loved the plot line, Sira's character, and the fact that it was historical fiction based on 1930s Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

It sadly only lasted for 1 season, but I watched each episode several times and learned a ton of Spanish along the way.

You know, the kind of learning experience that captures your heart and soul? When you’re so focused on the story and understanding an incredible moment in time that you forget you’re also pushing the boundaries of your comprehension?

This is the kind of experience you can have watching a great series in Spanish.

Learning Spanish through shows will engage and motivate you with authentic and interest-based learning

Watching Netflix series to learn Spanish can be a game-changer — especially at the intermediate and advanced levels. That’s when it becomes essential to expose yourself to authentic speech through music, radio, podcasts, or series as part of your Spanish learning plan.

Watching series is also a great way to improve your Spanish practice by tapping into interest-based language learning. And with so many shows at your fingertips, there is bound to be one you'll fall in love with, too.

Once you reach an intermediate or advanced level, you’ll probably crave more than just learning new words and grammar lessons. Watching series that other Spanish-speaking people are watching is a great way to connect to the culture and learn how people speak and what they’re talking about.

Vuela Intermediate Spanish Course Series

The self-paced course series for adults looking to take their Spanish way beyond the basics and reach an intermediate conversational level.

Watching Netflix series in Spanish helps you use habit-stacking to make your language learning more effective.

Have you ever felt your Spanish progress plateau as you advanced? That’s a real problem many people experience as their level improves.

That’s when habit stacking becomes so important for you as an adult learning Spanish. James Clear, a habit guru, suggests adding new habits to existing ones. Are you already watching the nightly series? Just add in an extra 10 minutes of a Spanish show to create a Spanish learning habit that will help you see real progress.

As you can see, watching series in Spanish is great for your language learning. But if that’s the case, why doesn’t everyone just switch on Netflix and become fluent?

If it were that easy, the whole world would be bilingual. And that raises an important question.

Can you really learn Spanish by watching Spanish Netflix series?

If learning Spanish while you binge-watch Spanish series sounds too easy to be true, well, it is.
And if you plop down with popcorn thinking you'll suddenly sound like a native, you might end up disappointed.

Your success and enjoyment of learning Spanish through Netflix series comes down to your approach. Here are a few of my tried and true suggestions for getting the most out of the series you watch in Spanish.

Customize your Netflix watch list and study hacks to fit your level of Spanish fluency.

If you're just starting out watching series in Spanish, watch snippets of your favorite show. Focus on a few minutes at a time. And plan on watching them more than once.

Keep your level of Spanish in mind and manage your expectations accordingly. Watching (and enjoying) an entire episode of a show in Spanish is something you probably won’t feel comfortable doing until you have an intermediate level of Spanish.

And even then, watching an entire episode ‘just for fun’ won’t be as effective for your learning as focusing on learning for 10 minutes at a time — and watching the same clip several times in a row.

Remember, watching Spanish Netflix shows does not mean you should skip structured Spanish learning.

This is especially important to remember if you’re at the intermediate level. So if you haven't finished covering the most important structures and vocabulary, make watching series a part of your regular Spanish study. But don’t rely on series alone.

You’ll also want to include high-quality grammar, vocabulary, and practice materials that help you progress your overall Spanish.

And even if you're beginning to reach a more advanced level, taking an active and structured approach to learning Spanish through a series can boost your learning and help you push your level further. Let's take a look at how to do that.

Here’s How You Can Learn More When You Watch Shows in Spanish:

Now you’re ready to make sure your series watching brings you more than just popcorn and cliffhangers. Let’s dive into some of my favorite strategies for making every episode count.

Be sure to use active and passive listening when you watch your series.

Active listening in language learning is just like active listening in regular conversations—you need to be truly present and tuned in. And the research is clear — active listening boosts language learning.

For example, you may concentrate on short dialogues, jot down notes, and occasionally pause for unfamiliar words.

Passive listening is laid-back. You're letting the language flow around you without working too hard — you may even be cooking or unwinding while you watch.

Why combine both active and passive listening for Spanish series?

Active listening sharpens your grasp of vocabulary and nuances, aiding in actual conversations. Meanwhile, passive listening familiarizes you with the language's rhythm—and it's just enjoyable.

Think of it like marathon training: sometimes you sprint, other times it's a leisurely jog. Passive listening is that cool-down stretch after an intense session, savoring your progress.

Try these active listening strategies the next time you watch a series in Spanish.

  1. Watch it Again: The first time you watch could be just for the big picture of the plot, the second for interesting vocabulary words and expressions. The third could be phrases you'd like to repeat in your own best accent.

  2. Don't be afraid to go beyond the screen: While you watch, jot down words or phrases that stand out in your vocabulary journal. After the episode, use one of the tips in this blog post to help you remember more Spanish vocabulary.

  3. Don't underestimate the importance of captions. Captions are a key tool for making sure you see the benefits of watching series in Spanish. Let’s make sure you’re using them correctly.

This is exactly how I recommend using captions when you watch shows in Spanish.

When you switch on an episode, keep the Spanish captions on.

Why? It helps you match spoken words with their written form.

But here's a twist you may have yet to consider: make sure you're watching in Spanish and using Spanish subtitles.

English subtitles might be tempting, but the research is clear: you'll understand more of what you hear with Spanish subtitles, you'll learn more new expressions — and you'll train your brain to be truly immersed in Spanish.

And to get the most out of your series in Spanish, don’t forget your conversation skills.

Watching a series in Spanish might seem like an obvious way to improve your listening and vocabulary, but it can also be an excellent way to improve your speaking skills.

For a simple conversation boost, try shadow reading.

Shadow reading is a great technique, especially if you’re feeling shy about conversing with Spanish speakers.

It’s as simple as watching a short part of a series once, then going back — and reading the subtitles along with the actor. Take the time to do this, and you’ll also improve your pronunciation, intonation, and speaking fluency.

As you watch, be strategic about which dialect you focus on.

If you use a powerful technique like shadow reading, remember that it will be even more effective for you if you choose a series in a dialect of Spanish from a culture you’re likely to interact with. For example, if you’d like to get comfortable understanding Mexican Spanish and using it on your next trip to Mexico, choose a Spanish series to watch first.

And don’t forget to use series as a starting point for conversations in Spanish.

And when you're pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and, say, joining a Spanish language meetup or chatting with a Spanish speaker at your next language exchange, you'll have something in common to talk about. Speaking about a topic you've already reviewed and are familiar with can be a great way to push yourself toward joining more Spanish conversations when you're first starting out.

Free Intermediate Spanish Guide

Learn how to go from an intermediate to advanced Spanish level with this FREE guide.

Wondering What Shows to Watch to Learn Spanish?

Now, you have all the tools you need to have fun and see real progress when you watch Netflix in Spanish. So we’re ready for the fun part. Let’s take a look at some of the exciting Spanish-language shows out there. Here are a few of my favorites.

1. Monarca

This Mexican drama series produced by Salma Hayek had me hanging on the edge of my seat. The character development was excellent, and the language used was very true to the everyday Spanish that is spoken today. I learned a lot of new vocabulary and reinforced old vocabulary too. You’ll find plot twists and power struggles within a wealthy Mexican family that owns a tequila business empire, grappling with corruption, secrets, and scandals.

🔗 Watch Monarca


2. Club de Cuervos

This is a comedy-drama about a brother and sister battling for control of their late father's professional soccer team. It's about gender politics, corruption, and class struggles and takes place in a fictional city: Nuevo Toledo, Mexico.

🔗 Watch Club de Cuervos

Club de Cuervos

3. Bolívar

Take a deep dive into this historical drama and the life story of Venezuelan liberator Simón Bolívar. The series showcases his struggles, romantic relationships, and his role in the fight for independence from Spanish rule in South America.

🔗 Watch Bolívar


4. El Rey: Vicente Hernandez

Vicente Fernandez wasn't always the 'King of Ranchera Music'. This emotional biographical series will take you through the heartaches and victories that lined his path to stardom.

🔗 Watch El Rey: Vicente Hernandez

El Rey: Vicente Hernandez

5. Canto para No Llorar (English Title: The Unbroken Voice)

You’ll find inspiration here as you follow along with one woman's harrowing journey — and how it led her to find her voice. I also really loved the way this series gave me great exposure to Colombian Spanish. If you love shows that tap into the spirit of family, the strength of perseverance, and the power of redemption, this is one to check out.

🔗 Watch Canto para No Llorar (English Title: The Unbroken Voice)

Canto para No Llorar

6. The Surrogacy

The story of a Spanish couple exploring surrogacy takes them down a complex and often disturbing path. Be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions, intricate relationships, a complex look at motherhood, and plenty of moral dilemmas.

🔗 Watch The Surrogacy


7. Luis Miguel

I learned a lot about the history behind one of Mexico's most beloved singers. Even 30 years later, since the peak of his stardom, you still hear his songs all over Mexico. The series explores the singer's personal life, career highs and lows, and his search for his missing mother.

🔗 Watch Luis Miguel

Luis Miguel

8. Ingobernable

Here’s another show I just couldn’t look away from. This political drama follows Emilia Urquiza, the First Lady of Mexico, fighting for peace while being framed for her husband's murder. Kate de Castillo (actress in the famous show "La Reina del Sur") has a really powerful performance. I think you’ll love seeing different parts of Mexico City on screen.

🔗 Watch Ingobernable


9. Quién Mató a Sara

Anyone up for a Mexican crime series? Watch Álex Guzmán hunt down the shady Lazcano family, thinking they're behind his sister’s tragic fate.

🔗 Watch Quién Mató a Sara

Quién Mató a Sara

10. Nailed It! Mexico

Love cooking shows? Then this one is for you! Watch amateur bakers compete to re-create elaborate sweet treats for a cash prize.

🔗 Watch Nailed It! Mexico

Nailed It! Mexico


Now you’re ready to curl up on your couch and switch on Netflix in Spanish. Only this time, you’re going to have fun and start an engaging, motivating, and powerful new Spanish learning habit.

Have fun exploring all those incredible new series — and enjoy the rewards that come with language learning strategies like shadow reading, pausing to learn new expressions, and going out into the world to talk about your favorite series with Spanish speakers in your community.

And remember, as you explore each new series, it's not just about the language. You're connecting with the stories, the characters, the cultures, and the emotions they bring to life.

Every time you watch, you're watching alongside millions of Spanish speakers worldwide. Maybe they're chuckling, wiping away a tear, or hiding under the blanket in suspense at the same moment.

Keep expanding your understanding of native Spanish speakers with series as your inspiration and your door to authentic Spanish. I think you’ll find not just a language but a world opening up to you. ¡Sigue así y disfruta del viaje!

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