You know learning Spanish will transform your life.
But maybe you’ve discovered that learning a new language isn’t quite as easy as the commercials make it appear.
It takes more than knowing a few words and memorizing a few key phrases to actually carry on a meaningful conversation.
And maybe you’re feeling a little worried that learning Spanish as an adult is impossible. At least on a level where you can talk about topics that really matter to you.
Let me step in and say, yes, you can. And you’re in the right place!
How do I know for sure?
Because I was once standing exactly where you are today—a monolingual English-speaking adult struggling to learn Spanish.
If I can do it, you can too.
Crossing a Milestone
The first time I held a 10-minute conversation with a local woman in Barcelona—as we waited in line for our coffees—I knew I had crossed a milestone with my Spanish.
But how—exactly—do you get to that level?
The simple answer? By creating a life-proof language learning system that works for you.
A system that helps you sort out what to learn and in what order. Builds in accountability. And sets up lifelong learning habits that endure life’s ups and downs.
Come, grab your taza de café. I want to show you how to get started on your Spanish journey.
That milestone where I was finally holding a natural, unscripted conversation with a local.
Grab one of my FREE Spanish resources so you can make “Learn Spanish” fit into that oh-so-busy life of yours.
¡Hola! Soy Dominique.
There I was, twenty-three years old, working a soul-crushing “Corporate-America” job and asking myself, “Is this it?”
I felt lost, uninspired, and more than ready for a radical change.
So that's exactly what I made.
In three months, I sold my car. Broke my lease. Packed my life into two suitcases and boarded a plane to Barcelona, Spain.
With that one-way ticket, I was off to live with a host family, work as an Au Pair, and pursue a long-time dream of living in a Spanish-speaking country.
Now, I had taken a few Spanish lessons. So I thought I'd be able to put together a few sentences.
Oh, how quickly I found that wasn't the case. I couldn't even carry on a simple conversation at the market. My high school Spanish classes completely failed me.
So I dove in and devoted myself to learning the Spanish language–for real this time. I stayed focused, and in just twelve months, I went from a beginner, A1 Spanish level, to a high intermediate, B2 level.
But, honestly, something much bigger, more expansive happened that year. Yes, I learned Spanish. But in doing so, I forever changed my identity.
I've since sought to immerse myself in various Spanish-speaking cultures. Each gives me a new way to see, think, and believe. My love of Spanish continues to gift me with cherished moments and treasured relationships.
And that's why, a decade later, I have devoted my time to helping adults—like you—unlock the habits and methods you need to confidently carry on a conversation in Spanish too.
Because I want you to experience the joy of actually living in Spanish, something that goes far beyond the superficial level of communication.
But sometimes frustration is the perfect motivator, verdad?

If you’ve struggled to learn Spanish before, let me share a secret…
Lessons from a native speaker and lessons from someone who learned the language as an adult… are very distinct.
Because you’re not just learning Spanish. You are learning HOW to learn Spanish.
I’ll be the first to say, learning a new language is HARD.
I also know when you build a process of learning Spanish that you can fall in love with….
one that endures the seasons and stages of your life.
You set yourself up for discovering a different side of yourself you never knew existed.
I see it every day:
My students and friends binging on that hot new podcast, taking gourmet cooking lessons, reading best-selling novels, or meeting the love of their life...en español!
Spice and speed up your path to speaking Spanish
The traditional way of learning a language (you know, how they taught you in high school) is highly ineffective. It fails to bridge the gap between memorizing phrases and expressing your thoughts with ease. Here’s what works…
Developing habits that are resilient and flexible
(So you set yourself up for long-term success—even when life gets complicated and the lessons get hard.)
Simplifying the process with step-by-step roadmaps
(So you learn things in the right order and aren’t left wasting time figuring out what to do next.)
Creating immersive and interest-related experiences
(So you can have face-to-face conversations with native speakers and incorporate Spanish into your daily life naturally.)
You see, just like you, I had to commit to learning Spanish from the ground up. And I, too, struggled at times. But I’m here because I want to show you that there is a simpler (more enjoyable) way to do it.

The blueprint to becoming bilingual
Sure, my travels and “focused sprints” in Spanish-speaking cultures helped amplify my Spanish-speaking journey.
But I also found how invaluable everyday experiences are, too. Like reading, writing, music, listening, speaking, and purposeful courses.
Maybe the most important thing I learned was about personal discipline and what’s realistic when committing to learning a language. (Hint: flexibility is key!)
This is why I want to share with you the exact strategies that took my Spanish to the advanced level I had always dreamed of—so you can have this experience too.
(And, I promise, you won’t have to buy a one-way ticket to anywhere.)
If you are just starting—or think there may be gaps in your foundational skills—my FREE Spanish Starter Kit will help you. Reduce the overwhelm and build a structured framework that will take you to whatever level you want to go.
If you already ‘speak some Spanish’ but your progress is stalling, my FREE 12-Step Intermediate Guide was made for you. Learn twelve proven strategies to push past the intermediate plateau and take your Spanish to the next level.
Let’s start your journey today! Both plans are free and include 40+ minutes of videos, workbooks, and ready-to-implement tips.
The wings to fly
La Mariposa—or butterfly—is my Spanish nickname.
It was given to me by friends during my transformational year in Barcelona.
The name fits me, too.
My love affair with the Spanish language has allowed me to fly all over the world. I’ve immersed myself in so many different Spanish cultures—from Madrid to Mexico City.
I’ve opened myself up to 560 million more people and their incredibly rich cultures that, before, I could only get a glimpse of.
Like a butterfly, I’ve been through a complete metamorphosis.
I didn’t just learn an enchanting new language; I unlocked a new way to view and experience the world.
I want you to spread your wings too!
“I've seen this topic a million times before, but it never really clicked in my brain until I heard Dominique explain it. Now, I can actually use it in my Spanish because I finally understand it.”
Dani Paige
Alberta, Canada
This is the language learning path you came here for
And, it feels exciting because you can feel your wings start to spread. You can see that conversational confidence is possible, even if you’ve never learned a language before.
From one language learner to another, I genuinely want you to experience the delight of mastering this enchanting language.
I did it. I know you can too.
Un abrazo,