Ready to Take Your Spanish to Its Full Potential?

Join the learning community where reading, writing, listening, and speaking all come together. With live guidance and ongoing support, you’ll improve your Spanish skills, and feel a new boost of confidence in your conversations.

When you think about having a spontaneous 10 minute conversation in Spanish, what pops into your head?

Worry you might not understand everything being said fast enough and end up feeling confused in the conversation?

Nervous you’ll make a mistake and not be able to express yourself clearly?

Hope you can remember the right vocabulary and phrases to keep the conversation flowing?

Wonder if you’ll catch the subtle nuances and jokes being shared?

All of this can feel pretty overwhelming.

But what if you could easily find the words next time you want to share something?

Imagine even jumping into ongoing conversations, sharing your knowledge on the topic.

Envision enthusiastically talking about your life, using all those vivid descriptions and sophisticated terms that make a story pop.

Take a second to picture a moment where native Spanish speakers are impressed by how naturally you use everyday expressions.

👆This is what happens when you make reading and writing in Spanish a habit.

Hola, soy Dominique!


I remember feeling super lost and frustrated the first time I opened a real Spanish chapter book.

There were so many words I didn’t know and tenses I wasn’t familiar with yet.

I desperately wanted to go back to the safety of my leveled readers.

Luckily, I had a teacher who encouraged me to keep going. 

And you know what happened next? It got easier, A LOT easier. Enjoyable, actually! 

I stopped freaking out about words or phrases I didn’t know and began using context clues to get the gist of the story. 

My vocabulary skyrocketed. My confidence soared. It was incredible! 

The thing is, the more you take the holistic approach of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, the more you see HUGE growth in your Spanish.

I believe pushing yourself to read a challenging book, and sticking with it when things get uncomfortably hard, feels a lot like immersing yourself in a Spanish-speaking country. Without having to pay the hefty travel costs.

And that’s exactly why I’ve made it my mission to help others leverage the power of reading and writing, no matter where you are in the intermediate journey.

Ready to travel the world through books with me? ¡Vamos!

“My confidence with speaking is slowly improving, primarily as a result of all the writing practice. I’m getting almost daily practice constructing sentences in Spanish, which is absolutely having a spillover effect on my speaking, which is so exciting!”

- AMANDA Salt Lake City, UT

“I definitely feel more capable of forming sentences and expressing my thoughts. The weekly summaries have really helped me get better at communicating my thoughts. I know I’ve made huge strides with how multidimensional this program is.”

- DANI Alberta, Canada

“After participating in Elévate I’m able to write faster and am not second-guessing myself as much. I’ve also become more patient while reading in Spanish; which means I can read for longer periods of time.

- ANGELA Oakland, CA

Here’s why that Spanish book you were excited to read might have ended up collecting dust on your bookshelf instead…


Overwhelm sets in from the sheer volume of new vocabulary words on the page

Going at it alone without support can feel isolating and unmotivating

Idiomatic expressions and cultural references aren’t always clear and can be confusing

Worrying about understanding everything can take the fun out of reading

Impatience sets in when progress feels slow and the mountain feels too high to climb

The good news is you’re closer than you think to being able to read an entire chapter book in Spanish. You just need a good process to get started.

When you dive into a space full of support, accountability, and avid on-the-same-page-as-you (pun intended!) Spanish learners, here’s what you’ll notice:

You’re probably better at reading and writing Spanish than you think, and most likely even better than you are at speaking. That’s because you have more time to think about what you want to say and process it all, unlike the immediate pressure you face when speaking.

You’ll see how much you’ve already learned (so empowering!) and that other students often face the same challenges as you (nipping the I’m-the-only-one feeling in the butt). Plus, you’ll see how others overcome common obstacles and the exact steps they take to get there –– that’s a win/win all around.

Stepping into a safe space, where no one is judging you and you’re fully supported, is very fertile ground for progress –– helping your confidence soar in a short time. Meaning you’ll find yourself eager to join in on more conversations! 

Ready to boost your Spanish speaking confidence

I’m excited to introduce you to the…

ELÉVATE Intermediate Spanish Book Immersion Program

September 21st - December 14th

A 3-month program to help your Spanish grow by leaps and bounds with built-in LIVE support, community, and accountability.


See Your Spanish Come Alive Through Reading

Each book is carefully selected to be intermediate-friendly and enjoyable – keeping the overwhelm scaries at bay as you explore fascinating stories and cultures in Latin American Spanish. 

Sharpen Your Speaking and Listening Skills

The live practice sessions are carefully designed to give you a chance to practice real-life conversations, improve your pronunciation, and enhance your listening comprehension, all in a supportive space.

Join the Online Spanish Community

Ask your burning questions in real time! And connect with other Spanish learners while sharing insights, supporting each other’s progress and learning & growing together.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone With Intermediate-Friendly Writing Prompts

Shape your thoughts and fine-tune your expressions with the weekly writing prompt, leading to your Spanish conversational skills becoming clearer and more accurate.

Expand Your Knowledge With Weekly Grammar and Vocabulary Review

Actively reviewing new grammar and vocabulary cements the building blocks of Spanish in your mind, making sure the right words and structures come naturally and accurately when you need them.



Weekly Reading:

Each week, we’ll dive into a section of the book. The reading assignment averages 15-20 pages a week, and can be done all in Spanish or a mix of Spanish and English (the book has both an English and Spanish version 😉).

The best part is, reading alongside the group which gives you a whole other level of motivation.

And don’t worry if you don’t know all the words or phrases. As long as you understand the main idea (or refer back to your English version), you’ll increase your vocabulary along the way. 

Reading more fluently (i.e. not stopping to look up every word) is truly a magical milestone in your language learning journey.

Live Practice Sessions:

Here’s where you boldly practice putting it all together! 

Our weekly sessions give everyone a chance to practice speaking Spanish. And because I’m not a fan of wasting time, every session is optimally structured to help you see big results.

This isn’t your typical book club, where the same two extroverts share their takeaways each and every week. (We’ve all been there, right?)

This intentionally held space offers everyone a chance to participate. But if you’re not feeling up to it that week, no pasa nada. Just show up, say “pass”, and still benefit from hearing others. 

It’s seriously one of my favorite hours of the week and I know you’ll love it, too.

Weekly Vocabulary Review:

Every week, you’ll get a list of key vocabulary words and grammar taken directly from the upcoming reading. I’ll also include a video of me reviewing this list – an extra bonus if you consider yourself a visual or auditory learner.

These will serve to clear up any confusion as you tackle your weekly reading. (No more struggling through it alone with a ton of new words to look up!)

It’s a great way to cement in new vocabulary and continue to expand your knowledge.

Weekly Writing Prompts:

Each week, you’ll be given a writing prompt that ties the chapter reading to your own life experiences - I call these “personal connection questions”. The best part about these questions is that they can be answered independently of the reading. So, if you had a busy week and couldn’t quite get to the reading, you’ll still be able to answer the question. 

Writing in Spanish can actually be easier than speaking because you have the flexibility to think about what you want to say. It allows you time to choose your words and phrases, so you can freely express yourself without the pressure of an immediate response. 

Personalized Feedback:

Here’s where you get my undivided attention on your words. Each week, you’ll get personalized, in-depth written feedback on your written response

That means you’ll always have the benefit of expert guidance tailored to your current challenges and progress.

I’ll also share tips like where missteps tend to happen and what words to use instead. Along with what to do if you find yourself stuck making the same mistakes. 

Feedback on your words every single week means steady progress… leading to smoother, more enjoyable conversations.

Online Community:

Our private Slack channel gives you an engaging Spanish study group right at your fingertips.

Here’s where you submit your weekly writing assignments, see feedback from me on you and your compañero’s work, leave comments, and read responses from the group.

This space not only offers tons of learning opportunities, but makes learning Spanish more enjoyable and a lot less solitary. Plus, if you can’t attend all the live sessions, don’t worry, you’ll still have plenty of opportunities to practice your Spanish here.

Get ready for tons of support, motivation, and course-correcting to see a noticeable improvement in your Spanish.

“I’ve participated in every ELÉVATE program offered so far!”

“ELÉVATE is different because it focuses on the many aspects of language learning, not just one. Through this program, I was able to identify some gaps in my Spanish that needed attention. And Dominique’s really great about offering pronunciation advice and calling attention to common errors. My reading comprehension, writing, and speaking have all improved a lot. And now, when I talk to people I feel more of a flow. It has really helped me get over my fear of speaking.”



September 21st - December 14th



Orientation: Saturday, Sept 21

LIVE Group Session #1: Saturday, Sept 28

LIVE Group Session #2: Saturday, Oct 5

LIVE Group Session #3: Saturday, Oct 12

LIVE Group Session #4: Saturday, Oct 19

LIVE Group Session #5: Saturday, Oct 26

LIVE Group Session #6: Saturday, Nov 2

LIVE Group Session #7: Saturday, Nov 9

LIVE Group Session #8: Saturday, Nov 16

LIVE Group Session #9: Saturday, Nov 23

**Skip Saturday Nov 30 for Thanksgiving holiday

LIVE Group Session #10: Saturday, Dec 7

LIVE Group Session #11: Saturday, Dec 14


Antes de ser Libres

By Julia Alvarez

This powerful novel is about a young girl named Anita growing up in the Dominican Republic during the 1960s. The country is under the harsh rule of dictator Rafael Trujillo, and Anita’s family is involved in trying to overthrow him. Through Anita’s eyes, we see the fear and bravery it takes to fight for freedom, as her family faces danger and personal losses. It’s a coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of a country’s struggle for liberation.

Here is what’s included.










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5 Payments Of



Doors to ELÉVATE close on September 20th

“ELÉVATE has impacted my life tremendously.”

“ELÉVATE has helped me expand my vocabulary and improve my conjugations. I understand more Spanish now and am more confident in using the language. The most valuable part to me is working with Dominique. She’s very patient and is a gifted teacher. I’m glad I pushed myself to be a part of this program.”


You’re here because you want to take your Spanish skills to the next level. And I know this program, with its reading, writing, listening and speaking emphasis, will get you there.

Because the more you flex your Spanish reading and writing muscles, the more words will naturally flow out of you in conversation. It really is the glue that brings it all to life! 

So here’s my promise to you – I promise to give you the framework and unwavering support to see clear improvement with your Spanish in 9 weeks. 

I’ll be walking alongside you the entire time, together with an incredible community of Spanish learners, so you have all the support, motivation and course-correcting you need!

Due to this program’s highly interactive nature, and to protect the integrity of our community, I do not offer refunds at this time.

I pour my heart and soul into this program, and I’m confident you’ll see the value in this high-touch experience.

The Spanish with Dominique Promise

Thoughtfully Created With You In Mind

Because of the high-touch nature of this program, I purposefully only offer it twice a year. This is so I can completely devote myself to students inside.

Meaning you’ll have every level of support and accountability within the program to make sure you see measurable growth.

“Most of the Spanish practice I've done has been through playing games, filling in worksheets, and conjugation tables. I was shocked to find out how powerful writing in Spanish could be. I showed some of my paragraphs to my tutor, and he couldn't believe I knew all those vocabulary words. I kind of surprised myself, too!”

- VANITA Kentucky, USA

“With Elévate I’ve been able to identify gaps in my Spanish that need attention - and those gaps are addressed during the vocabulary and grammar question review. I love that Dominique gives follow-up links and resources to go deeper on certain topics.”

- MELISSA Sacramento, CA

“Dominique's reading program continues to be the most beneficial language learning experience I’ve ever encountered.”

- LIMELL Tucson, AZ

“ELÉVATE has transformed how I interact in Spanish.”

“After going through ELÉVATE, I’m much more confident and comfortable with expressing my opinions. Dominique’s feedback is an invaluable part of the program. And being in a community of people who are committed to their growth and uncomfortable with the same things I’m uncomfortable with was so encouraging and inspirational to see.”


ELÉVATE isn’t a one-size-fits-all book immersion program

Here’s how ELÉVATE will help you reach the next step in your intermediate Spanish journey, no matter where you currently are

Level 1

Perfect for those diving into their first Spanish chapter book

Your path to success…

✔️ Grab both the English and Spanish versions of the book

✔️ Read the English version first, then scan the Spanish version – knowing the context will help you understand more!

✔️ Write your response to the personal connection question inside our online community

Level 3

Perfect for those who are looking to become more comfortable reading in Spanish

Your path to success…

✔️ Grab both the English and Spanish versions of the book

✔️ Read the English version first, then read half of the weekly assignment in Spanish – you’ll be surprised at how much you can pick up!

✔️ Write your response to the personal connection question inside our online community

Perfect for those who want to take their Spanish reading comprehension 

Your path to success:

✔️ Grab both the English and Spanish versions of the book

✔️ Read the Spanish version first, highlighting the sections you need more clarity in and cross-reference the confusing sections with the English version 

✔️ Write a short 5-7 sentence chapter summary in Spanish

✔️ Write your response to the personal connection question inside our online community

Perfect for those who want to increase their Spanish reading pace

Your path to success…

✔️ Grab the Spanish version of the book

✔️ Do the assigned reading in Spanish, highlight words and phrases that you need more clarity on

✔️ Write a short 5-7 sentence chapter summary in Spanish

✔️ Write your response to the personal connection question inside our online community

Level 2

Level 4

“ELÉVATE helped me improve all 4 areas of my language learning: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.”

“I love the flexibility of the live sessions. If you’re less comfortable “winging it” in conversation with other Spanish speakers, you have the option to read from your weekly writing responses. It’s a great opportunity to practice your speaking skills in a low stakes way. My confidence with speaking has improved, primarily because of all the writing practice. It’s so exciting!


Still wondering if this program is right for you?

Let’s dive into the details and see if it adds the right flavor to your practice routine and the language skills you want to master.

ELÉVATE is for you if…

You’re tired of feeling like conversations go too fast for you to keep up. Inside, you’ll practice your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills to see noticeable improvement in your conversations. 

You’ve hit a plateau and you’re ready for a breakthrough. With ELÉVATE’s four-prong, holistic approach, you’ll unlock new levels of understanding and using the language.

You’re committed to spending at least a few hours every week sharpening your skills. ELÉVATE is designed to make the most of your time, helping you improve your Spanish in a way that feels doable.

You enjoy learning in a supportive, community setting. Join a community of fellow Spanish enthusiasts where you can share insights, receive support, and feel connected.

You want to express yourself in Spanish with more clarity and confidence. With lots of opportunities for personalized feedback, and regular writing and speaking practice, you’ll have everything you need to see improvement week after week.


You might be wondering…

  • ELÉVATE is designed to help intermediate Spanish learners see big growth. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting the intermediate phase or if you’re leaning more toward the low advanced level. 

    Here’s what I mean 👇

    You can choose to take part in all of the reading and writing exercises or just focus on the weekly book reading and weekly writing question. 

    No matter what, you’ll get personalized feedback from me each week to keep polishing your Spanish skills.

    I love this program because it truly pushes you to at every stage of the intermediate level.

    To put your best foot forward, it is recommended to already be comfortable using the past tense (preterite and imperfect). I teach this in my VUELA 1 course.

  • ELÉVATE is purposefully 9 weeks long. Not only is this the perfect amount of time to see a transformation, but also allows for space to integrate everything you learn.

    This program is designed to take as little as 20 minutes a day. But there are optional reading and writing challenges for those wanting to dedicate more time and go deeper. 

    At each time commitment level, you will see noticeable growth with accountability and support the whole way through.

  • I’m super picky about which book we read together so that you’ll not only learn a ton but you’ll also have fun along the way.

    Each book goes through a careful selection process. I make sure there’s an English version available for those who want to follow along in both languages, and that it’s intermediate-friendly with an engaging storyline. 

    I choose books that are around 200 pages or shorter so we can read the entire book in 9 weeks while going at a comfortable pace.

    It’s also important to me to choose contemporary novels in Latin American Spanish that reflect back how we speak in today’s world. That way, you’re learning Spanish you can actually use!

  • That’s great! This program will make picking up your first Spanish mini-novel feel less intimidating. 

    Through short and manageable reading assignments every week, you can take it step by step the whole way through.

    Plus, every book we read also has an English version, so you can follow along in both languages. 

    This structured and community-based environment is the perfect place to take the leap into reading Spanish chapter books while keeping the overwhelm at bay.

  • Item The live session is just one of the many ways to make strides in your Spanish in this program. Even if you can’t make it, you can still actively participate in the other assignments and get personalized feedback.

    Every participant gets access to the online community, which offers you the opportunity to practice your Spanish on the go or from the comfort of your home.

    Here’s where you submit your weekly writing assignments, get feedback on your work, leave comments, and read responses from the group.

    That way, you’re always able to work on your Spanish and participate in the program, on your time.

    (In order for the live sessions to be a safe space to make mistakes, I do not record them.)


It's time to impress even yourself with the words that roll off your tongue.

Leaning into reading and writing is what will get you there. 

When I finally buckled down and got serious about devoting time to reading and writing in my own Spanish journey, I saw my language abilities take on a whole new depth.

And I’ve seen that be true for countless other students, too.

Inside ELÉVATE, I break everything down into small, manageable milestones every week to keep the overwhelm at bay.

If you’ve ever bought a book in Spanish that continues to collect dust on your bookshelf, you know exactly what I mean.

Not to mention, using the language alongside a supportive community of Spanish learners is seriously the best way to see progress.

I can’t wait for you to see your Spanish come alive in a whole new way.

The full body buzz of confidence and excitement, plus the rich cultural experiences, make every bit of effort worth it. 

So, whether you join us inside or not, keep stepping into spaces where you can practice your Spanish.

I’ll be rooting for you the entire way.

xoxo, Dominique


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5 Payments Of



Doors to ELÉVATE close on September 20th