Ready to Go From Wanting to Speak Spanish to Actually Doing It?

With ALAS, you gain not just a solid foundation in Spanish, but the confidence to use it, turning every encounter from a missed connection into a meaningful exchange.

Feeling lost in Spanish lessons? I speak your language.

Maybe, like many Spanish learners, you’ve…

Worked with a private tutor, but without a proper roadmap that builds on itself and the right blend of correction/ accountability, you aren’t seeing the results you expected. 

Taken high school Spanish, and maybe even a community class, but you don’t seem to remember much of the information. Most of the time, these classes go beyond what you actually need to know, adding to the confusion..

Dabbled with Duolingo, but you noticed simply rearranging words and doing vocabulary review is not challenging enough. Any polyglot will tell you apps are meant to add to, not be a substitution for, your studies.

Purchased a grammar book, or two. And while there’s definitely a time and place for them, regurgitating information from a book isn’t everyone’s preferred learning style. If you’re a more interactive, auditory, or visual learner, you deserve a roadmap that’s lively and engaging.

Watched hours of YouTube lessons, and even purchased flashcards, but you’ve quickly lost steam piecemealing it all yourself. Not to mention, without a concrete structure, you wonder if you’re even studying the right thing in the right order.

If you’ve been hitting roadblocks in your Spanish journey, let me share a secret…

While there’s no shortage of fantastic training, helpful insights, and native speakers sharing what they know… a full language system to connect the dots for native English speakers rooted in real life experience is surprisingly rare.

You’re not just learning Spanish. You’re learning HOW to learn Spanish.

And how to make learning Spanish a die-hard habit. So, without the proper roadmap for:

The thing is…

 How to learn Spanish from an English speaker’s perspective (Hint: verbs are easy in English, they’re trickier in Spanish)

 What exactly you need to know to start getting conversational, what’s just wasting your time, and what order you should learn it in

 What you need to nail early on (looking at you – numbers & present tense conjugations!) so you can add more to your toolbox, faster

 Spanish sentence structure, like creative ways to use present tense verbs to talk about the past and the future

 The right support from someone who’s been there, so you stay on track and don’t feel like you’re going at it alone

…you’re stuck spinning your wheels. 

But that doesn’t mean you need to stay there. (Knowing this is half the battle.)

Picture THIS por un segundo

What if you could surprise even yourself by having Spanish sentences roll off your tongue like it’s second nature?

What if you could get past your learning plateau with an easy-to-follow, “learn this, not that,” proven system that actually sticks? 

What if you could feel confident taking bigger risks with your Spanish without worrying about freezing up?

What if you could form deeper connections with the Spanish speakers in your life by being able to begin infusing storytelling? 

What if you could finally cement in the language patterns to get past basic pleasantries?

Could this be the year you finally break through the plateau and see a real transformation in your Spanish?

¡Hola! Soy Dominique.


Here’s the plot twist: I didn’t learn Spanish until I was in my early 20s. 

And I’ll be the first to admit, learning a new language is not a salsa dance in the park.

It takes time, dedication, and effort. 

But that doesn’t mean a more straightforward path to success isn’t out there. It’s what I teach here in my ALAS series – more on that in a sec!

As a Spanish coach, it’s important to me to give my students exactly what they need to see results and boost their confidence.

So, before I created this course series, I poured into my grammar books, and carefully marked them with a “Nope, I never use that” or “I use this all the time”. I zeroed-in on what took me years to learn and how to get there quicker. And I paid special attention to where my students and fellow native English speakers were having the most trouble. 

The result?  A straight-to-the-chase, rewarding framework that breaks down the foundations of Spanish into digestible chunks. 

Leaving Spanish learners like you with more time for tableside guacamole with loved ones.

Can we have a heart-to-heart for a second?

We live in a world where we’re fed false promises  for the sake of making a sale.

I want to be 100% honest with you. I firmly believe that learning Spanish is a lifelong journey. I’m proud to say I still consider myself a Spanish learner! 

So, it’s important to me to not make any claims around learning Spanish in a certain number of days. Because, while you will gain invaluable knowledge in this course that will serve you for the rest of your life, picking up a language is not a sprint.

It’s a process that takes time and should be enjoyed. Each milestone deserves recognition. So don’t wait to celebrate how far you’ve come! 

I can’t wait to cheer you on while you keep making strides.

The ALAS Series


Through easy-to-follow modules and the right amount of motivation and accountability, you’ll discover a newfound confidence for understanding and using the language. So you can finally start to engage in meaningful conversation without freezing up or feeling silly.

A self-paced learning journey to master the fundamentals of Spanish that you’ll use for a lifetime.



Put down the dreaded flashcards because inside I’m not just sharing grammar rules and vocabulary to regurgitate, I’m giving you the powerful “why” behind every word and rule. So that it forever cements itself inside your brain like the unforgettable taste of your first authentic taco al pastor.


Say goodbye to the cycle of stopping and starting your Spanish learning journey. I’ll show you how to get Spanish basics down for good – with knowledge you can build on for years to come. English speaker to English speaker, I know the common hurdles and how to smoothly overcome them.


With weekly emails, check-ins, and the ability to ask unlimited questions in real time, you have all the built-in motivation you need to keep going. I’ll be right by your side to assure you, “It’s okay you’re having trouble here, this is the hard stuff!” – while getting you right back on track.


Through my video lessons and worksheets, you’ll learn how to formulate a sentence and start incorporating the past and future tense – the key to telling any captivating story! So you can share your treasured experiences, like that time you visited Europe, with any Spanish speaker in your life.


Designed to weave into your busy life, you can dive right in while drinking your morning coffee, after getting your kids to bed, or anytime in between. Each lesson builds on the last, ensuring steady progress and momentum on your path to fluency.


You won’t just be handed worksheets to complete with no follow-up – nope, not here. I’m giving you an in-depth, over-my-shoulder video review of the included worksheets that you can return to again and again. Students tell me all the time this is a game changer.


Unlike traditional classroom settings, this course draws you in with real world scenarios that bring Spanish to life, immersing you in rich experiences that go far beyond textbook exercises. With this approach, learning becomes fun, intuitive, and unforgettable. ntuitive, and unforgettable. ntuitive, and unforgettable. ntuitive, and


When it all starts to click, and Spanish sentences roll off your tongue without having to translate them in your head first, you experience a whole new level of “I can do this, and nothing’s going to stop me.” Inside, you have all the tools you need to get there, paso a paso. e, paso a paso.

If you’re ready to confidently have meaningful exchanges in Spanish (without panicking and translating in your head first), ALAS was made for you.

Each module comes complete with at least one video lesson, worksheet, and worksheet review video to follow up.


Un Gusto Conocerte, Soy Dominique

I wholeheartedly believe that anyone who wants to learn Spanish should be able to do so.

  • Let’s set the stage for a wildly successful journey! Learn the tips and strategies for forming a language learning habit and how to stay consistent with studying.

    You’ll dive into my unique Monarch Method to Learning Spanish, developed to help you see huge breakthroughs in less time, without burning out.

    >> Walk away with all the tools you need to set up a Spanish learning routine that fits into your schedule. Remember: Spanish is learned through consistency and practice! 

  • Ready to move past caveman speak and begin your storytelling journey? It’s time to learn how to correctly conjugate -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs.

    Plus, I’m sharing the most common mistakes made by native English speakers when conjugating verbs and how to avoid them.

    >> Walk away with understanding the most important building block of a Spanish sentence (the verb!) to begin communicating after just week 1!

  • Understand how to properly form a sentence in Spanish that will have your listener fully grasping what you’re saying.

    We’ll dive into how to manipulate nouns and adjectives to match in gender and number.

    >> Walk away knowing how to piece together sentences and discuss common topics in Spanish.

  • Let’s dive into two of the trickiest verbs in Spanish: ser and estar.

    It’ll be the first to say, it’s okay if these feel confusing at first.

    And it’s completely normal to keep coming back to these at different points in your journey.

    Inside you’ll find everything you need to get more comfortable using them in your everyday conversations.

    >> Walk away with more clarity on how to talk about yourself and your emotions. So you can form deeper connections with Spanish speakers in your life.

  • Learn how to ask questions in Spanish! We’ll go deeper with sentence structure and uncover words essential for asking questions.

    You’ll explore how to confidently purchase something at the local market, ask the waiter for an extra napkin, request a taxi to take you to the local Mayan ruins or inquire about the details of a local tour.

    >> Walk away with the confidence to ask a question while expressing your needs and wants.

  • By working with the most common Spanish verbs, you catapult your language proficiency to new heights.

    Here you’ll discover which power verbs are essential to everyday Spanish communication.

    >> Walk away with a solid understanding of the most useful Spanish verbs to get you conversation-ready.

  • It’s a common feeling to want to race through learning numbers – it tends to feel too basic for a lot of Spanish learners.

    But trust me when I say this is something you’ll want to really nail down.

    Once you do, you can talk about time, birthdays, important dates, the price of souvenirs, event start times, and even how long any given event will last.

    >> Walk away with a clear understanding of how to use time expressions in your everyday conversations, a big building block in any language!

  • Learn how to use demonstrative adjectives like este, estas, eses, esas and possessive adjectives like mi, tu, su, nuestros in the market to ask for what you want.

    Plus you’ll learn the key phrase ¿Qué precio tiene/tienen? , which is a must for any meaningful shopping trip.

    >> Walk away with the skills to walk around a market in any Spanish-speaking country with ease and confidence.

  • Learn two new time expression formulas using the verbs llevar (to talk about things you’ve been doing) and hacer (to talk about things you haven’t done in a while).

    You’ll also get a no-fluff recap of the must-know adverbs of time and frequency (like luego, después, todavía) so you can solidly lock them in.

    >> Walk away with the power to share what you’ve done in the past and express details about your life – like how long you’ve lived somewhere.

ALAS 1 Beginner Level Spanish Course

ALAS 2 High Basic Level Spanish Course

  • Let’s set the stage for a wildly successful journey! Learn the tips and strategies for forming a language learning habit and how to stay consistent with studying.

    You’ll dive into my unique Monarch Method to Learning Spanish, developed to help you see huge breakthroughs in less time, without burning out.

    >> Walk away with all the tools you need to set up a Spanish learning routine that fits into your schedule. Remember: Spanish is learned through consistency and practice! 

  • Let’s learn about three groups of special verbs called stem-changers! 

    Being able to conjugate these irregular verbs is one of the most important building blocks for learning Spanish.

    So buckle up, because here’s where you take a big leap forward! Don’t forget to celebrate this win along the way.

    >> Walk away with 20 new Spanish verbs in your arsenal and the unwavering confidence to use them.

  • Overcome the common tendency to mispronounce words like querer, pensar, and sentir with a few simple tips.

    Plus you’ll learn 25 more common verbs, their meanings, and how to pronounce them like a pro.

    You’ll also learn a technique to nail the “g” sound in Spanish so words like guerra, gente, and gimnasio roll off your tongue effortlessly.

    >> Walk away with the ability to use everyday words to speak your mind in Spanish with confidence.

  • Learn the *exact steps* to chat about future plans using the verb ir (to go).

    Next, you’ll discover how to use the Spanish equivalents for him, her, and it. A big key to sounding less like a robot, and more like a human. 😉

    And you’ll add 15 more expressions to your toolbox – all using the verb tener (to have). One tiny verb → big, big changes for your ability to communicate.

    >> Walk away with the ability to make plans with friends, express your physical needs, and get clear on *who* you’re talking about.

  • Move beyond Spanish 101 adjectives like la salsa verde, la cuidad grande, and la casa blanca. We’re diving deeper this lesson!

    Plus, you’ll learn to cement in those pesky little words you seem to forget all the time (looking at you todos, próxima, algún!). Catch my pro tips to finally commit these phrases to memory.

    >> Walk away with the tools to describe the quantity and order of things to get your ideas across more quickly.

  • Item descriptIs it “camino por el parque” or “camino para el parque”? Inside you’ll get everything you need to confidently know the answer.

    While these words aren’t intuitive, my blueprint helps erase some of the common confusion.

    Plus, you’ll get a chance to practice these in context, so they start to catch on naturally.

    >> Walk away with the ability to speak clearly about who things are for, where you’re going, and where you work.

  • Hone in those little words you need to describe locations and give directions. (An important skill to develop when speaking Spanish!)

    You’ll explore words like arriba, abajo, debajo de, and afuera. These are SO common in everyday language, and I’m sharing how to help them stick.

    Plus, you’ll dive into new verb expressions to take you from beginner to pre-intermediate speaker.

    >> Walk away with a concrete understanding of giving and responding to directions that you’ll use time and time again.

  • I’m giving you the tools to confidently know when to use saber and when to use conocer. Because, while they both mean “to know”, they aren’t interchangeable.

    I’m sharing the secrets behind these commonly confused verbs so you never mix them up again.

    >> Walk away with a crucial understanding of these two verbs so you’re always on point when talking about knowing something or someone in Spanish.

  • Dive into the world of comparisons in Spanish, where phrases like “more than” or “the most” take a unique twist.

    We’ll tackle phrases like “tan/tanto”, “más/menos” and “el/la más” so you can start comparing one thing to another. Adding this to your toolbox brings a whole new colorful layer to your Spanish skills!

    >> Walk away with the ability to craft richer comparisons in Spanish to give your conversations a whole new level of depth.

And enjoy this included BONUS: Basic Spanish Resource Library

I’m so excited to share with you my personal favorites! I’m including my go-to Spanish podcasts, my curated Spotify playlist, and YouTube channels that make learning Spanish fun.

Perfect for when you’re on the go…
Tune in while you’re commuting, working out, or on a walk. Language learning can truly fit around your lifestyle!

And, while my Spanish language journey began overseas in Barcelona (more on that in a sec!), you don’t need to travel to another country to get there.

All it takes is a love of the language, a determination to keep going, and a well-laid out, battled-tested process that effectively builds your conversational skillswith none of the fluff you won’t actually use.

I have you covered with that last part. 

Because when you start to formulate sentences like it’s second nature, a whole new world opens up. You can fully submerge yourself in an incredibly rich culture while being able to communicate with 500 million Spanish speakers worldwide!

I fully remember experiencing the joy of that for the first time.

You see, at the age of 23, I booked a one-way ticket to Barcelona with only two bags in tow and the sheer will to finally learn how to speak Spanish.

Even though I had taken a few Spanish classes in high school, I quickly found out I wasn’t even able to put together a simple conversation at the local market. 

But sometimes frustration is the perfect motivator, verdad?

I doubled down on my goal to learn, made a ton of mistakes along the way (like accidentally sharing I was 13, not 23 years old, to a dinner table full of strangers), and overcame every obstacle in my path. 

Ten years and a couple of stints in Mexico later, I now share with over a hundred students exactly what I wish I had during my learning journey: a complete “learn this, not that” course to effectively build your Spanish language skills, without wasting a second of your time.

rave reviews

ALAS Is Already Helping Dozens of Students Get Ahead…

“I’d been studying Spanish for a while and wasn’t able to put it all together until taking ALAS with Dominique.”

“I had taken a Spanish course here and a Spanish course there, and it wasn’t until taking ALAS that I was confident enough to actually start speaking Spanish.

I’m now more gutsy when I speak and love seeing when my clients understand what I’m saying. It’s a feedback loop, once you get some success, you enjoy taking more chances and doing a little better each time.

-Vanita F., Dentist

“After taking ALAS, I went on to purchase all of Dominique’s other courses because it was that good.”

“It’s really helpful to hear Dominique be transparent about her own Spanish learning journey.

It feels like everyone says you can learn Spanish in a certain amount of days. Which increased the frustration I would feel when I wasn’t where I wanted to be.

Dominique’s courses helped me reframe that and showed me how far I’ve actually come!

I love that the ALAS course is an easy roadmap to follow. Dominique has gone through the journey and done all the research for you. So you’re never left wondering what you need to study.

I loved taking the course so much I went on to purchase all of her other courses.”

-Erin G., Entrepreneur

“ALAS was the bridge I needed to move onto the next level of Spanish.”

“I’m someone who needs to know the “why” behind a language rule to cement it in my head. Dominique does a wonderful job of explaining the patterns and irregularities in the language so I could fully grasp it. 

I also appreciate that as a native English speaker herself, Dominique understands the brain of a native English speaker. I have heard lots of different explanations covering ser and estar but Dominique really dove in further and shared some small differences that were really helpful to me. I still use them when I’m trying to decide between the two!”

-Christy H., Teacher

Did I mention it’s risk-free?

The Spanish with Dominique Promise

You’re here because you want to learn how to confidently speak Spanish beyond just the basic pleasantries. I know this course gives you the groundwork to get there.

Regardless if you’ve taken Spanish in high school, have dabbled with Duolingo, or have previously invested in tutoring sessions that just don’t seem to stick, this course meets you right where you are. And sets you up with a solid Spanish foundation you’ll have and use forever.

So here’s my promise to you – I promise to give you the structural building blocks of the language in a clear, practical way while offering unwavering support to help you succeed. The content inside took me YEARS to boil down to the essentials. Which means you won’t waste a minute of your time learning something you won’t need down the road.

As a native English speaker, I’ve been in your shoes, and understand how the English speaker’s brain works when wrapping their head around the Spanish language. I talk about where most English speakers have difficulties, while at the same time giving you the tools to move past those speedbumps.

Leaving you with a newfound CONFIDENCE for understanding and using the language

The best part? There’s absolutely no risk to hopping on in. If, after 15 days of working with the course, you feel like I haven’t given you the tools to see a noticeable improvement in your Spanish language skills, no pasa nada.

Just email me directly, show me you’ve done the work and implemented what you have learned, and I’ll issue you a full refund right away.

This course was created to help Spanish learners (like you!) unlock the habits and methods you need to confidently formulate sentences and I stand by my ability to get you there. 

Here’s how Spanish with Dominique is different

Maybe you’ve started and stopped your Spanish learning journey so many times it has started to feel, well… impossible. Or maybe you’re determined to keep going and you’re searching for the best path to get there.

Either way, I’m so glad you’re here

Inside, you’ll find we aren’t regurgitating information found in a grammar book or lesson plan. Instead, the focus is on refreshingly dialed-in lessons that directly put you on the path to fluency. 

After learning Spanish, and helping over a hundred students navigate the same road, I genuinely understand where most get confused, frustrated, bored, or tend to make mistakes. And how to help you through it.

Here’s a peek about what I mean 👇

If you’re anything like me in the beginning, you want to zoom past learning numbers. It can feel too basic. Like suddenly you’re transported back to your colorful Kindergarten classroom with finger paint artwork on the wall.

But there are a zillion and one real world scenarios you’ll need them for! Like telling your taxi driver the address to your Airbnb or being asked the time while waiting in line at the grocery store. 

So it’s important to not gloss over it.

And did you know you can actually use the present tense to talk about the past or the future? 

Knowing this workaround helps you speak more Spanish with the knowledge and vocabulary you already have → which builds your confidence right away → giving you the motivation to keep going. 💪

One more thing 👉 throughout these courses, you’ll notice me chime in with “this part can be tricky, so pay attention,” “as native English speakers, we say this, but it’s different in Spanish,” and “I know exactly what you’re going through and here’s how to move past it.”

My students tell me this is a game-changer. No more feeling lost in confusion. No more spinning your wheels. 

Just honed in, honest guidance from this salsa-dancing-obsessed, passionate Spanish coach who truly understands what you’re going through.

And that’s something you won’t find anywhere else.

In the end, what you’re getting is a completely dialed-in roadmap that will surprise even yourself with the noticeable transformation.

It’s everything you’ll wish you had sooner.

Still wondering if this course is your style of café con leche

Let’s take a sip and see if it’s the perfect blend for you…



→ You appreciate a step-by-step approach to learning, where each new topic builds on the last in a clear and logical way. (no more guessing, no more studying something you’re not ready for yet.)

→ You’re looking for a quick fix or for instant fluency. 

The truth is language learning is a lifelong journey that does take time and is worth enjoying.

→ You’ve tried learning Spanish before but felt lost, overwhelmed, and frustrated. You’re ready to break down old barriers with tips and strategies on how to form a daily language learning habit.

You’re not open to new learning methods like listening to a Spanish song or reading a Spanish book. 

The truth is these methods actually build your confidence to speak!

→ You’re willing to spend time practicing, and celebrating the small wins along the waylike when an unexpected encounter turns into a smooth and effortless exchange.

You’re looking for a passive learning experience that doesn’t challenge you or push you out of your comfort zone.

→ The thought of sharpening your Spanish to form deeper connections with your family, loved ones, or your community fills you with excitement and motivation.

→ You don’t see yourself using Spanish in your day-to-day life or to interact with those around you.

The truth is learning to speak a new language takes practice, the more you apply it, the more you learn!

→ You’re ready to invest in yourself and your future by refining a skill that will not only open new doors, but unlock a new way to view and experience the world.

You’re not looking to understand grammatical rules. 

The truth is, locking in sentence structure makes the language come alive – you’re not relying solely on memorization!


You might be wondering…

  • If you’ve been studying Spanish for a little while, the ALAS 1 content might feel familiar to you. But, because learning a language is a process that builds on itself, it’s my suggestion to have the topics covered in ALAS 1 confidently locked in before moving on to ALAS 2. 

    Here’s something else I know: you can have groundbreaking shifts when you see the material again in a new light. Something I hear A LOT from my students is, “Dominique, I've seen this topic a million times before but it never really clicked until I heard you explain it.” BOOM. Now they’ve really, truly grasped it and are ready to build on that knowledge.

    If you do know you’re already comfortable using everyday expressions and you can answer and ask basic questions, it might make sense to hop right into ALAS 2.

    Ultimately, you’re the one who knows best what level you’re ready for. 

    Either way, don’t sweat it. Because, if you find yourself in a course that’s not right for you, just let me know within the first 14 days and we’ll happily switch you to another one. No questions asked. 

    Need a little more help figuring out your current level? Dive into my ALAS 1 assessment guide or the ALAS 2 assessment guide to answer a few questions on the topics we cover in each course.

  • No pasa nada! If you find yourself in a course that feels too easy or too advanced, just shoot me an email at within 14 days of purchase and we’ll switch you to a course that’s better suited for where you are on your Spanish journey.

  • If you’re anything like me in the beginning, you’ve probably already spent a ton of time digging through grammar books, using flashcards, dabbling with Duolingo, and pretty much anything else you can think of to get your Spanish skills rolling.

    That’s exactly why I created these courses with a dialed-in approach. Inside you’ll find only what you need to know. No more spinning in circles. No more studying something you don’t need yet.

    Each course has 8 modules featuring video lessons, worksheets, and worksheet reviews. It’s all designed to weave into your busy – dive in with your morning coffee or before bed, whenever it suits you. You decide your pace.

    Tackling one module per week, for example, is a reasonable pace and would allow you to complete each ALAS course in 8 weeks. 

    One last thing I want you to share that’s near to my heart: learning Spanish isn’t about arriving at a destination. It truly is a lifelong journey that’s meant to be enjoyed. So don’t forget to celebrate your small wins along the way!

  • Learning Spanish is just as much about feeling supported and encouraged as it is about learning grammar and vocabulary, which is why you have lifetime access to the course. 

    Inside, you can ask me questions in real time underneath each video or worksheet. That means that, not only will you benefit from seeing questions other students have asked, you will also have my guidance every step of the way.

A final note from Dominique

If you’re reading this, I know that more often than not, the fear of making mistakes has held you back in the past. I also know you absolutely have what it takes to become conversational in Spanish. Hey, if I can, you can! 

And when things do start to click, it’s downright magical. You’ll unlock a hidden door to a vibrant culture rich in tradition, heartwarming music, and mouthwatering dishes. 

You’ll gain a whole new way of seeing the world and form connections that stretch across oceans. It’s an incredible feeling that words almost can’t describe.

So whether you decide to hop inside this course or not, you deserve to experience it. Keep reaching for your goal to learn Spanish, and know that I’ll be here rooting for you every step of the way.

un abrazo, Dominique

Choose Your Level: Get Instant Access to ALAS 1 OR ALAS 2








Beginner Spanish Resource Library, where I share my go-to Spanish podcasts, curated Spotify playlist, YouTube channels, book recommendations, and much more.

ALAS 1 Beginner Spanish Course







High Basic Spanish Resource Library, where I share my go-to Spanish podcasts, curated Spotify playlist, YouTube channels, book recommendations, and much more.

ALAS 2 High Basic Spanish Course