Spanish with Dominique

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The 8 Best YouTube Channels to Learn Spanish as a Beginner

You want to start learning Spanish, so you pop over to YouTube to see what you can find.

You watch one video and then another, then another. 

Soon, you’ve gone down the rabbit hole. How much time have you spent on YouTube? 

You don’t know, but you’re inspired. So, the next day, you’re back for more.  

If you’re like most people, you can probably imagine getting sucked into YouTube, but will that really help you learn Spanish? And which of those Spanish YouTube channels is the best to learn from as a beginner?

First, let’s talk about what YouTube can do for you as a Spanish learner. 

For example, I recently stumbled upon a YouTube channel--and got hooked on a playlist where everyday couples learn to manage their money better. 

Did that binge-watching teach me how to manage my money? Not exactly. But I know so much more than I did before. I’m literate on the topic. More importantly, I’ve realized something: 

Diving deeper into my personal finances with my husband is something I can do--when I’m ready.

I don’t think that’s an isolated example. In fact, the same thing happened to me on a YouTube channel about buying a home in Ashville, NC—a city I’m considering relocating to in the near future. 

I’ve learned a lot about the local culture, immersed myself in the sights and streets, and know all the neighborhoods. So when we’re ready to take the plunge, we’ll know exactly where to start our search.

And that’s exactly what I hope will happen to you as you watch YouTube Spanish learning channels. 

I want you to dive deep and explore some of the most inspiring Spanish-learning playlists out there. Go on an adventure, feel inspired, and realize Spanish is something you can do, maybe even something you’re ready to commit to.

Today, I’ll point you to the absolute best YouTube channels for beginners. These are my personal favorites, and I’ve handpicked the most inspiring and relevant playlists from the channels so you’ll know exactly where to start.

But what about your other question: can you actually learn Spanish from YouTube?

We’ll talk about that more at the end of this post--after you take that trip down the rabbit hole and find a YouTube channel that you can fall in love with.

But in a nutshell, once you’re ready to see real progress in your Spanish, I’ve got some unconventional advice for you about the right way (and the wrong way) to use YouTube to see results. 

But for now, let’s take that deep dive into the inspiring world of Spanish YouTube channels for beginners. Ready?

My Personal 8 Favorite Beginner Spanish YouTube Channels  

These are 8 of my favorite YouTube Channels for learning Spanish. Each of these channels and teachers is unique. Read on and experiment to find the one that inspires you.

Just as you would carefully select a Spanish teacher in real life, take time to find a YouTube teacher you really connect with, one that sparks your curiosity and keeps you coming back for more--and don’t be afraid to binge, stick with a playlist. Go down that rabbit hole!

1.Easy Spanish

One of the most important reasons to watch Spanish YouTube channels as a beginner is the chance to tune your ear to authentic Spanish accents and dialects. You might even find one Spanish dialect you’d like to focus on first. And the Easy Spanish YouTube channel is your chance to do just that.

Here, you’ll discover accents from Spain and Mexico. Each week, the hosts take to the streets for videos on real-life topics in authentic locations. Follow them on a trip grocery shopping, and you’ll see an actual grocery store, a market, and several typical products during the video. Or you might tour a local park, watch people exercising and relaxing, and enjoy the scenery.

As a beginner, you’ll love the Super Easy Spanish playlist. It’s full of quick communication-based lessons, so you’ll learn expressions you can use in Spanish in a specific, real-life setting.  The native speaker hosts in this playlist make sure to slow it down a little when they speak--so it’s a great place to push your comprehension as a beginner.

Stick with this playlist, and you’ll learn expressions for telling time, ordering coffee, talking about your job, and even trying your hand at using muy and mucho—all while listening to Spanish that is lento y claro (slow and clear)--as the hosts like to point out.

Discover what to learn, how to learn it, and in what order with this FREE Spanish starter kit for beginners.

2.Hola Spanish

From one adult Spanish learner to another, let’s be real – sometimes, you just need a clear explanation in English from a teacher who makes it all seem easy. And that’s what you’ll get from Brenda and Romina in the Hola Spanish Beginner playlist. 

What I love about this playlist is the way new expressions appear on the screen and the way you’ll have a chance to repeat what you hear--this keeps you engaged and active and helps you memorize more Spanish vocabulary faster.

These are some of the most basic level videos you can find to build your vocabulary while you develop your curiosity--even if you’re starting from zero. Check out quick lessons like the 10 most useful phrases to use in Mexico to learn new phrases for practical situations, such as how to find an ATM or order a beer. 

And you can’t go wrong with taking 10 minutes to find out what to say when you don’t understand Spanish speakers. Sometimes Spanish is much easier when you just ask the person speaking to you to slow down.

If you’re looking for simple, easy, confidence-building videos with explanations that will never leave you feeling lost, this Spanish YouTube channel is for you.


Here’s a YouTube channel where you never see the teacher’s face. Instead, you will watch clever illustrations in real time while discovering unexpected advice on learning Spanish. With Maestro Kaplan, prepare for a unique experience for beginning Spanish learners.

The videos, explained entirely in English, were inspired by Sal Kahn and his use of the Flipped Classroom for learning. If you haven’t heard of it, the idea is that it’s better to get ‘instruction’ outside the classroom and come prepared for communicative learning experiences that help you apply what you’ve learned--or just think outside the box. 

This idea is central to my teaching programs, where you learn Spanish lessons on your own and in your own time before going out into your community for real-life conversations, engaging in a forum, or joining a book club, for example.

Maestro Kaplan is a master explainer who makes complex topics straightforward. He has almost 300 videos in which he reviews nearly every grammar tip you can think of—from basic to advanced—so it’s good to have as a reference for your entire Spanish journey. 

One piece of advice I share with adults thinking about taking their Spanish learning into their own hands is to know what to do when you get stuck. 

If that happens to you, tune into Maestro Kaplan.

4.Why Not Spanish?

If you’re ready for a listening challenge that will familiarize you with Spanish dialects from all over Latin America, tune into Why Not Spanish. 

While the creator of the show, María, speaks with a Columbian accent, she interviews people from all over Latin America in her Interviews for Intermediate Spanish Students. You’ll find these authentic conversations faster, more natural, and more challenging than those at Spanish Playground or Hola Spanish.

If you’re looking for ways to push yourself toward these more challenging listening activities, use closed captioning in Spanish to help you visualize the words. You can also adjust the playback speed to a slower cadence, listen several times, or try a combination of these approaches. 

You’ll find that María does an excellent job of helping you understand and get the most out of these fast-paced and authentic discussions. You’ll notice key expressions at the beginning of some videos that prime you to understand, short introductions in English to give you context, or helpful quizzes to check your comprehension at the end. 

You’ll also get insights into interesting Columbian idioms and colloquialisms--that’s something you just can’t learn in a textbook.

5. Butterfly Spanish

Have you ever had a teacher with a sparkling personality? Even if you arrive in class feeling low or bored, this teacher’s enthusiasm is contagious. You may never know exactly what to expect, but you’re sure of one thing: the class will engage you from start to finish. 

Ana at Butterfly Spanish is one of those teachers.
She’ll take you through complete Spanish lessons with English explanations that make lessons friendly for beginning Spanish learners.

One suggestion I often make to adults learning Spanish is to use structured materials that take you through the learning steps in a logical way. Then, you can watch videos to reinforce the concepts you’re learning. Ana’s Spanish Verbs & Tenses playlist makes it easy to do just that.

Maybe you’ve just reviewed the verb ir in your textbook or Spanish program for beginners. Now, you can quickly tune into the video on the same topic and get a great lesson from a real person to reinforce what you learned in a different way.

And the same is true if you’re working on thematic vocabulary. In the Spanish Vocabulary Builder playlist, you can reinforce your learning quickly and efficiently by following up on topics like what to say at the doctor’s office, the flavor of foods, or even vocabulary to describe different types of criminals!  

And here’s a pro-tip to go with lessons like the ones Ana offers:

Suppose you’re playing around with reading easy books for beginning Spanish learners or listening to beginning-level podcasts. In that case, you can look for topics in her playlist to help you reinforce and deepen your vocabulary on those themes.

The self-paced course series for adults looking for a refresher of foundational Spanish to feel confident communicating in everyday situations.

6. Spanish and Go

If you want to get a real taste of Mexican culture, Spanish and Go is a great place to do it. It’s a YouTube channel created by Jim and May, the self-proclaimed “gringo and Mexican” couple whose goal is to help you travel to Spanish-speaking countries with confidence. 

They have a podcast by the same name, which I also highly recommend.  But watching their YouTube channel has the added bonus of allowing you to read the subtitles as you watch and sweeping you away with incredible visuals of Latin American countries.

Explore their Mexican Culture playlist and learn how to talk about money in Spanish, how to use an ATM in Mexico, exchange rates, and what the money actually looks like, so you’ll be travel-ready. 

Other exciting topics include the Day of the Dead and slang in Mexico City. In many of the videos, Jim and May actually take you on a tour to see the sights in Mexico.

If you’re considering traveling to Mexico for a Spanish immersion trip or just a fun vacation, check out their Experience Mexico playlist. 

They’ve got videos on exciting places to visit by city, so you can find out why you might like to see beautiful Guanajuato city (and what to do when you’re there), discover the Colima Volcano, or take a self-guided chocolate tour in Oaxaca. 

7.Spanish Playground

For a quick boost to your Spanish confidence and a reminder that Spanish is a lot of fun, check out the Spanish Playground Present Tense Stories. Here, native speakers tell each other upbeat and funny stories, weaving repetition and gestures into the conversation. 

They are specialists at knowing what you’ll understand as a beginner. But, if you need an extra boost for your comprehension, turn on the Spanish subtitles. 

If you’re looking for a real challenge, tune into Season 1 of Buena Gente, the Spanish Playground series. You’ll follow two characters moving into their new apartment who find a box that doesn’t belong to them. 

As the pair seeks to find the box's owner, they use Spanish numbers, days of the week, household items, and vocabulary about common beginner topics like family. 

You’ll find yourself immersed in and absorbing plenty of Mexican culture. And, of course, you’ll find the same clear and simple Spanish that will remind you that you’ve got this!

Many adult Spanish learners I’ve worked with in my beginning Spanish programs have struggled through overly complex high school Spanish classes that were high on grammar and low on communication. 

If that sounds like you, one of the best things you can do for yourself is find a YouTube channel that keeps Spanish simple so you can relax, have a great time, and reconnect with the language.

8.StoryLearning® Spanish

Have you ever had the chance to join a dynamic Spanish class where the teacher uses an immersive style from the beginning? 

If you’re a high beginner ready for an immersive experience, check out StoryLearning Spanish.

While it’s helpful to have a grasp on some basic vocabulary for these playlists, you’ll be surprised at how fast you can actually handle immersion as a beginner—especially with the bilingual subtitles and free transcripts for every episode. 

The two teachers in the playlists below know how to speak to beginners. And the engaging story-based approach and exciting topics will pull you in and keep you watching video after video.

Tune into the Beginner Spanish Stories and learn about Salsa music, discover how to sing, and learn from traditional songs like Cielito Lindo, or explore exciting Spanish-speaking cities around the world. Every story is entirely in Spanish.

Want to take a deep dive into Spanish pronunciation? Then check out the Expert Spanish Pronunciation Training playlist--once again, the videos are all in Spanish, with engaging stories and humor. Learn tongue twisters to help you roll your “r” or discover the various and authentic ways native speakers say ‘no’ in an engaging story. 

Things to keep in mind while you’re learning Spanish with YouTube

Maybe you’re learning Spanish as a beginner--or wondering if it’s something you’d like to do. Either way, there is a wealth of YouTube channels that are here to inspire you, expose you to authentic accents, immerse you in the language or help you when you get stuck. 

These channels can help you touch the language every day.

But can you actually learn Spanish from YouTube as a beginner? 

After working with hundreds of adults at various levels in my programs, let’s discuss exactly what you can—and cannot—accomplish with YouTube videos.

My Unconventional Advice: YouTube Can’t Teach You Spanish

There are so many YouTube channels and learning apps out there that it’s only natural to assume they are here to teach you something. And yes, they have their purpose and can help you. 

But Spanish learners come to me all the time frustrated. Why?

They’ve watched YouTube and played on apps for months—or years—and still haven't made any progress. 

Let’s set the record straight.  

Language learning follows logical steps and requires systematic practice.  As a beginner, you need the fundamentals. You can’t piecemeal it.

Without structure and a plan to ensure you get the basics and go through those fundamental steps, all those exciting YouTube channels for beginning Spanish learners won’t help you reach your goals. 

Trying to take random YouTube videos here and there and create something logical is so exhausting that you will eventually give up.

YouTube channels have the power to help you fall in love with Spanish, spark your curiosity, and supplement your learning with authentic language and even cultural experiences.

Just don’t forget that when you’re serious about learning Spanish--and seeing progress, you’ll need to find some truly structured learning materials and a solid Spanish study habit.

How Exactly to Use YouTube as a Beginner Learning Spanish:

#1. Let YouTube make you curious.

Let it send you down a ‘good’ rabbit hole into the world of Spanish, tell you things you didn’t know, and introduce you to things you didn’t know about—that’s the power of YouTube.

#2. Use YouTube to help you decide if you’re really ready to commit to learning Spanish--or not.

When you’re new to something, YouTube can be a gentle introduction to a topic before you really invest time or money into something. 

As a Spanish beginner, getting hooked on a YouTube channel can be a really positive, no-strings-attached introduction to the language before fully taking the plunge. 

#3 Watch YouTube to become a more savvy Spanish learner.

Watching all those videos can make you more ‘literate’ about Spanish learning, just like binge-watching money management videos made me more literate about personal finance.

When you do decide to get serious and take action toward learning Spanish as an adult, you’ll be ready. 

#4 Once you’re committed to learning Spanish, use YouTube the smart way.

YouTube can be a really great supplement to what you’re already doing. It’s something you’ll add to your Spanish routine—something fun and slightly different from the other high-quality materials you choose to use, from a textbook to a night class for adults to an online Spanish program for beginners.

Using YouTube helps you put a face to the language. It can be very helpful if you’re a visual learner and a very motivating way to bring the language to life. 


Did you stop a few times while reading this post to explore a video or two? Then you probably noticed how a great YouTube channel can suck you in--and open up new worlds.

You watch one video. Then another, you follow down the rabbit hole. Suddenly, you realize you’ve spent two hours discovering new accents, unforgettable sites in Latin American countries, or what people think on a street corner in Mexico.

Sometimes, that curiosity and the discoveries that follow change your life. Like when you dip your toe in personal finance, and explore a new place you’d like to live someday. 

Or when you immerse yourself in a culture and decide it’s time for you to make Spanish a part of your life--for real.

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