Spanish with Dominique

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The 7 Best Latin American Podcasts to Learn Spanish for Beginners

In this post: Discover the top 7 Latin American podcasts perfect for beginners who want to learn Spanish effectively.

The internet is full of resources claiming to be the “best” podcast to learn Spanish for beginners.

But which ones will actually give you a positive and empowering introduction to the language–without leaving you feeling overwhlemed?

As someone who learned Spanish as an adult, I know from experience how much you stand to gain by listening to the right podcasts. 

But, I also know that the trial and error period of hunting for a podcast you can understand leads some learners to get discouraged and give up.

This blog post will help you navigate the world of beginner-level Spanish podcasts.

We’ll focus specifically on Spanish podcasts for beginners that feature speakers with Latin American accents. Because when you’re starting out, focusing on one regional dialect of Spanish can help you make steady progress and become conversational faster.

In today’s post, I’ve handpicked 7 of the best podcasts to learn Spanish, specifically tailored to beginners. 

These podcasts feature knowledgeable teachers who know how to make their speech clear and explain the structural and cultural nuances of the language so that you can understand and thrive as a beginning language learner. 

Once you have just the right Spanish podcast for you, you’ll find a practical guide at the end of this post to answer your questions about listening to podcasts as a beginning Spanish learner. 

The world of Latin American podcasts for beginners is waiting. ¡Vamos!

7 Podcasts for Absolute Beginners

The truth is, as an absolute Spanish beginner, most podcasts labeled "beginners" or "basic" are actually not designed for your level. 

Even when the podcast description says it uses “simple vocabulary” and a “slow pace” they still tend to be too advanced and end up intimidating beginners more than encouraging them to continue learning. 

When you’re just starting out, the best Spanish podcasts for you are ones that have short fragments of Spanish words and phrases but are then supported by English explanations and descriptions.

You see, podcasts like these will allow you to ease into the language. 

But, they can be hard to find, which is why I've carefully curated this list of true beginner-grade podcasts.

I’ve listened to each of the podcasts to make sure that the podcast hosts have clear and authentic accents you’ll understand. And to make sure the episodes are structured and paced so you can improve by listening.

Take a look at what I’ve found and see which one is just right for you!

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Discover what to learn, how to learn it, and in what order with this FREE Spanish starter kit for beginners.

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The self-paced course series for adults looking for a refresher of foundational Spanish to feel confident communicating in everyday situations.

There you have it. A curated list of the best podcasts to learn Spanish for beginners. 

Whether you want to learn the basics, practice your listening comprehension, or find out more about what life is like in Latin American countries. There is something here for you. 

But now that you have your next episode in your playlist, you may have questions about how exactly to get the most out of these podcasts as a beginner. 

If so, read on.

Q&A: How to learn Spanish with podcasts as a beginner?

In my ALAS Basic Spanish Course Series, I recommend regular podcast listening as a way of creating a highly effective and balanced Spanish learning habit. That’s because I know how essential it is to start to train your ear to the right dialect of Spanish from the beginning.

Here are some of the top questions the people I work with have asked me about learning Spanish with podcasts as a beginner: 

I started listening to a podcast as a beginner but didn’t understand--I felt stuck. What can I do?

Don’t worry; you’re on the right track. You just need to make a few adjustments to make listening to podcasts work for you. 

First,  take a look at the kind of podcast you were listening to. Is it all in Spanish? Or are there explanations in English?

As a complete beginner, you’ll be overwhelmed by a podcast that is completely in Spanish. My recommendations above have bits of Spanish with English descriptions, which makes them perfect for beginners.

However, if you feel ready to start listening to podcasts that are mostly recorded in Spanish, a good rule of thumb is to find a podcast where you understand most of what is being said--but not all. 

Remember: you don’t have to understand 100% of what you hear to benefit from listening.

It’s okay—and even normal—to listen to a podcast more than once. Listening to each episode multiple times will help you understand more of what you heard and start to pick up on authentic Spanish expressions in a way that helps you remember them.

I struggle to speak up in conversations in Spanish. Can podcasts help?

Many of my students wonder if podcasts will help them become more conversational in Spanish. That’s a great question. 

You probably already realize that becoming fluent means practicing actually speaking.

That said, not all of us are comfortable jumping into conversations with native Spanish speakers at first. This is particularly true for introverted language learners.

Podcasts can help you bridge the gap between not feeling conversation-ready and being able to speak up. 

First of all, understanding is fundamental to participating in conversations, so having strong listening comprehension will allow you to speak up more easily. But more importantly…

You can do effective speaking activities with podcasts. For example:

  • Hit pause on your podcast, then repeat what the speaker just said. 

  • Record a 1-minute reaction to a podcast in Spanish, or just record three new phrases you learned. Then listen back.

  • Discuss the podcast you just listened to with your conversation partner or Spanish teacher.

All of these will improve your fluency, confidence, pronunciation, and active vocabulary, so you’ll build your conversation skills with every podcast you listen to.

Can Spanish podcasts help me understand different dialects and accents within the Spanish-speaking world?

While I recommend focusing on one dialect of Spanish, to begin with, such as Latin American Spanish or even Mexican Spanish, listening to podcasts will expose you to the way a variety of people actually speak within those cultures. 

Podcasts will teach you how real people speak in informal situations--and not how they speak in textbooks. 

I’m a beginner; can I learn Spanish just by listening to podcasts? 

I strongly believe in the benefits of podcasts. But no one podcast can truly teach you all the basics you need to build a strong foundation as a beginner.

So, start listening to podcasts as a beginner. 

But don’t forget also to grab a textbook or other high-quality step-by-step materials, and you’ll have an effective Spanish learning habit. 


If you’re a beginner, don’t skip podcasts. They’ll supercharge your Spanish habit and you absolutely can start listening to authentic language--from the beginning.  

Each time you listen to a podcast—even for five or ten minutes—you’re taking your Spanish beyond your trusty textbook and making the language a living, breathing part of your life. 

Listening to podcasts is an exercise in accepting that in real-life Spanish, you won’t understand everything you hear--but you’ll find meaning nevertheless.  So tune in and listen.  You’ll be preparing yourself for a lifetime of future conversations in Spanish.

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